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God’s Love Is the Source of True Life by Don Paprocky

Mark Virkler's picture

God’s infinite love for us is the source of true living, and without it we are living an incomplete life – really only just existing. That is why pursuing God‘s love with all of our heart is the most worthy endeavor, because then we will find life to the fullest - the abundant life Jesus came for us to have. Through communion with God, we can fill our deepest need to be perfectly loved through intimacy with our Creator, who knows our deepest secrets, yet is still forever crazy about us!

Psalm 63:3 says, “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”

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Create and Sustain Romantic Love to Last a Lifetime

Mark Virkler's picture

Imagine the passion of romantic love being kept alive all through your lifetime. Is it possible? Absolutely! The pain of a divorce or living with a stale marriage is impetus enough for each of us to choose to invest deeply into keeping romance alive in our marriages. If first love is lost, the Bible is clear that we can go back and do the things we first did and restore our first love (Rev. 2:4,5). Now that is exciting! The principles below can be applied to restoring our first love with God and our marriage partner.

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Enhancing Communication Skills

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How are your communication skills? Have you taken a course on how to be an excellent communicator? Have you journaled, asking the Lord specific questions about how you can improve your communication style?

According to the Carnegie Institute, 85% of financial success is communication skills. My guess is this 85% success rate extends to every area of life, not just financial success. We need excellent communication skills with our spouse, our family members, at church, at the workplace, and in social gatherings. What are the skills that God would have you develop to become a better communicator? The two-way journaling questions below will allow God the opportunity to instruct you concerning enhanced communication skills.

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Kingdom Emotions Release Kingdom Power

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Science has discovered that when my "relational circuits" are turned off, I will not succeed. I can’t grow, love, give or receive life. When I am judging rather than loving, people feel uncomfortable being around me and withdraw from the unpleasantness. Alone, I am stymied. The Bible adds to this the fact that I can’t experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit, have joy, health, or anything else God provides for me in His Kingdom. Jesus demonstrated that Kingdom power rides on the wave of Kingdom compassion (Matt. 14:14).

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It's Time for Blacks and Whites to Talk About Race Issues

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I trust real life experiences more than just about anything else. My biggest focus is getting my life experiences to line up with what the Bible says my experience is supposed to be. I basically don't trust anything I hear on the news. So I decided I need to actually communicate with some black people about their experience with the police. I always prefer first-hand information as I find it more trustworthy. 

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A Lieutenant Discusses Racial Discrimination Within the NYPD

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I have never had a conversation with a black police officer about any sort of racial issue. I have never even talked with a black man about racial issues. For some reason this is just an uncomfortable subject. I remember a seminar I did 35 years ago at Bishop Joseph Garlington’s church. I made a complimentary comment to my black audience saying, “You guys are better than whites in this area" (I forget now exactly what the area was). Bishop Garlington interrupted the seminar and asked me two or three times what I meant by “you guys.” And I was afraid to provide a more specific answer because I didn’t know if I should call them Black or Negros or African Americans, and I assumed that if I chose the wrong phrase it would be offensive to them. So yes, I have never had a conversation with a black man about racial issues. This is about to change!

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Understanding and Responding to Racial Tension

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I have ministered in black churches, and attended a church that was predominantly black, and I have a black son-in-law. We have black faculty and students in our university. I have never experienced a problem in any of these relationships, so it has been hard for me to understand the level of intensity we see sweeping our nation.

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